Dr. Daniels specializes in:
Couples/Marriage/Family Counseling
Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Adoptions/Foster care
Trauma-Informed Care
Death-Informed Care
Advance Directives
Caregiving and Dementia
Self as Person and Professional
Substance Use Disorders
Life Changes and Adjustments
Gender, Sexual, Affectional Identity
Disaster Response/Psychological First Aid
Counseling can vary in the length and time, give yourself permission to explore what works for you.
Professional Consultation is also available.
Dr. Daniels doctoral research specializes in caregivers of individuals with dementia and translated a play therapy known as Theraplay to work with caregivers and care-receivers.
Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. Through counseling and treatment, we are able to help you recover motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life.
Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. We can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing.
Counseling can be beneficial to couples who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection, in all stages of their relationship. Online sessions are held from the safety of your own home with both couples at a time that is convenient for you through our easy scheduling platform.
Individual - 1 hour $200
Couples/Marriage/Family - 1 hour $250
Outreach/Presentation/Workshop - TBD, contact for more info.
Payment is due at the time of service. Debit/Credit accepted through Ivy pay.
Counseling with HEART, LLC works with some insurance providers through Headway. Please contact us for more information or visit https://headway.co/providers/philip-daniels
Are you ready to get on the path to a healthier you? Get in touch today to get started!
Information provided on this website does not constitute provision of services. Additionally, contact sent through phone or electronic means does not constitute a treatment relationship.